Alessandro Bottino*
about me
scientific interests: nuclear, subnuclear and astroparticle physics
scientific papers
(courtesy of SLAC's inSPIRE-HEP service)
other writings and presentations
science communication
(general talks and lectures)
I never call it Big Bang
(a book on George Gamow written with Cristina Favero), edizione italiana:
Non l'ho mai chiamato Big Bang
L'Universo al di là dello specchio di Alice
(a book written with Cristina Favero)
Quei tre minuti prima del big bang
(a novel written with Anna Maria Longoni)
a short curriculum vitae
(courtesy of the Accademia delle Scienze di Torino)
*Professor Emeritus of Theoretical Physics at the University of Torino
National Member of the Accademia delle Scienze di Torino